An Integrative Approach to Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory pain condition, in which tissue that normally grows and stays in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) travels and implants outside the uterus. It can migrate to other organs in the pelvic cavity, such as the cervix, fallopian tubes and bladder, and spread to other areas of the body. Endometrial cells respond to hormones (estrogen …

How to Create a Healthy Uterine Lining

The quality and thickness of the uterine lining are important factors in your fertility. A healthy uterine lining is essential for growing a healthy baby. It is where the embryo implants and nourishes the growth and development of the baby during pregnancy. Implantation and sustaining a pregnancy can be more difficult if the lining is too thin. This holds true …